Page:Enquiry into plants (Volume 1).pdf/207

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when it grows in the mountains, is called zygia, when in the plain, gleinos: others however,[1] classify differently and make maple and zygia distinct trees.

[2]All those trees which are common to both hill and plain are taller and finer in appearance when they grow in the plain but the mountain forms are better as to producing serviceable timber and fruits, with the exception of wild pear pear and apple; these are in the plain better in fruit and also in timber; for in the hills they grow small with many knots and much spinous wood. But even on the mountains all trees grow fairer and are more vigorous when they have secured a suitable position; and, to speak generally, those which grow on the level parts of the mountains are specially fair and vigorous; next to these come those which grow on the lower parts and in the hollows; while those that grow on the heights are of the poorest quality, except any that are naturally cold-loving. But even these shew some variation[3] in different positions, of which we must speak later; for the present we must in our distinctions in each case take account only of the differences already mentioned.

Now among wild trees those are evergreen which were mentioned before,[4] silver-fir fir 'wild pine' box andrachne yew Phoenician cedar terebinth alaternus hybrid arbutus bay phellodrys[5] (holm-oak) holly cotoneaster kermes-oak tamarisk; but all the others shed their leaves, unless it be that in certain places they keep them exceptionally, as was said[6] of the plane and oak in Crete and in any other place which is altogether favourable to luxuriant growth.

  1. δ᾽ ἄλλως conj. Sch. from G; δ᾽ αὖ Ald.
  2. Plin. 16. 77.
  3. i.e. are not always of the poorest quality. ταῦτ᾽ αὖ τινα conj. W.; ταῦτα αὐτῶν Ald. H.
  4. 1. 9. 3.
  5. φελλόδρυς conj. Bod., cf. 1. 9. 3; φελλὸς δρῦς UMV (?) Ald.
  6. 1. 9. 5.