Page:Every Woman's Encyclopedia Volume 1.djvu/764

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MARRIAGE 736 to members' wives whom she has never had the chance of meeting previously. She finds she can often advance herself m the social scale by these introductions. If she is the wife of a leading politician or of a man who, by some special Bill, has sud- denly focused popular interest upon himself, she may be asked by the Whips to give a reception. This is a coveted distinction, but it is understood that only members who have ample means are asked to do this, as a recep- tion of possibly over six hundred guests is a formidable undertaking. Court Etiquette The wife of a member of Parliament is entitled to ask for a Court introduction, when she will be put on the Court list. Most members and their wives attend the first Levee and Drawing Room held after their seat is secured. Those who do this have the privilege of writing their names in the visiting-book of the King and Queen once a season, and after any extra invitation to a reception at one of the Royal palaces. Place of Residence A member and his wife usually have a town house as well as one in their constituency. The wealthier ones, for the most part, live in the Belgrave Square district, for members' wives form quite a circle of society of their own. Cabinet Ministers may, if they please, live in the official residences of Downing Street, but only a few take advantage of this. When in the constituency, a: member's wife will be careful not to put forward any views in opposition to those of her husband. She will uphold all his opinions, and. even if she is a supporter of Woman's Suffrage, will not bring this matter forward if her husband's constituents are not, on the whole, in favour of such a measure. She can interest herself in philanthropic work, but she leaves political affairs which conflict with those of her husband's severely alone. She has, in fact, to work entirely for her husband, and to let no other interest come in her way. When she is in town, if she has time, she can • devote h'^rself to any kind of work or plea- sure. 1/ she is an ardent supporter of Women's Suffrage, and if her husband is as well, she can work in this cause without inj uring her husband's vote. But most of the time spent in town, if it is not given up to political meetings, is reserved for the social duties which are very nearly as important. Private Life Not only does * member's wife have to support her husband's interests, but often those of her .son as well. For parents who have known the excitement and pleasure of Parliamentary representation are frequently eager that a son should find a seat as soon as he IS old enough. The social position of a member s wife goes far to ensure the success or defeat of her son in his first Parliamentary contest His mother always has to remember even when he is quite a little boy, that her position and influence will one day help or hinder him. She has to work for the future member as well as for the present. She has to choose his friends carefully and, if possible, arrange a marriage for him that will assist his position. Her daughters, too, have to be trained in Parhamentary matters, for they, too, may some day marry politicians. Tlie Ex-Member's Wife But even when a member loses his seat' he and his wife still hold a good social position. But they will no longer be invited to official receptions, unless their services to the party have been so strenuous that a return to activity is generally desired. It depends en- tirely on a woman's own personality whether the friends she has made during her husband's Parliamentary career remain to her. A woman must bs possessed of extra- ordinary devotion to her husband's interests not to find substantial disadvantages in sharing his Parliamentary career. Like the wife of a soldier, she has to recognise that her husband's duty is first to his country, then to her and her home. His income will sometimes have very heavy drains put upon it, and she must be prepared to deny herself many luxuries so that he may not lack the very necessary funds which will enable him to be returned at the time of a General Election. When her husband's fate lies in the hands of his constituency she may have to make great self-denials. Her smart little motor- car, her horses, her servants do not for the time being belong to her, they are for the use of the electors, and she often has to get on as well as she can without these comforts. The inevitable duty of canvassing may be very repugnant to her, and she may dislike the tiring work of trudging up and down dirty streets in wet weather or blazing sunshine, often meeting with insults and rebuffs. She has to take all these calmly and never be daunted. Another very great sacrifice she has to make is when her husband has secured his seat. His time is no longer his own, he is at the beck and call of the Whips of his party. Often, for days together, his wife may be without him, while he spends exhausting days in the House, which tire him out, and prevent him being a com- panion to her when he does return. The Troubles of Her Life She may have made all arrangements for a holiday, when some unexpected alteration of procedure may be announced, and all her plans are broken up. She may have to entertain people who irritate her, she may even have to invite to her house for visits political friends of her husband's whom she secretly dislikes, though outwardly she has to be pleasant to them. There are very many thorns in the way of the member's wife. Yet, in spite of all, she will tell you that she is a very proud woman, glad and ready to share her husband's responsibilities.