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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 202 / Friday, October 22, 2021 / Presidential Documents

(A) a description of the applicable agency’s efforts to ensure that Federal programs and initiatives administered by the Department and other agencies are meeting the educational needs of Black Americans, including efforts to incorporate best practices into appropriate discretionary programs where the agency sees fit and as permitted by law;

(B) a description of how the applicable agency has and will decrease barriers to participation of Black Americans in Federal employment and student engagement opportunities;

(C) a description of how the applicable agency can address challenges facing Black students and higher education institutions that serve Black students, such as PBIs and HBCUs, brought on by or exacerbated by the COVID–19 pandemic;

(D) a description of how the agency’s Office of Civil Rights, if applicable, can address discriminatory policies and practices that limit educational and economic opportunity for Black Americans;

(E) any other information the applicable agency determines is relevant to promoting educational opportunities for Black Americans; and

(F) information addressing any additional criteria established by the Chair or the Initiative.

(ii) Each agency shall assess and report to the Chair on their progress in implementing the Agency Plan on a regular basis as established by the Chair.

(iii) The Initiative shall monitor and evaluate each agency’s progress towards the goals established in its Agency Plan and shall coordinate with the agency to ensure that its Plan includes measurable and action-oriented goals.

(f) The Department shall provide funding and administrative support for the Initiative and the Interagency Working Group, to the extent permitted by law and within existing appropriations. To the extent permitted by law, including the Economy Act (31 U.S.C. 1535), other agencies and offices represented on the Interagency Working Group may detail personnel to the Initiative, to assist the Department in meeting the objectives of this order.

(g) To advance shared priorities and policies that advance equity and economic opportunity for underserved communities, the Initiative shall collaborate and coordinate with other White House Initiatives related to equity and opportunity.

(h) On an annual basis, the Chair shall report to the President on the Initiative’s progress in carrying out its mission and function under this order.

Sec. 3. Presidential Advisory Commission. (a) There is established in the Department a Presidential Advisory Commission on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Black Americans (Commission).

(b) The Commission shall provide advice to the President through the Secretary on matters pertaining to educational equity and economic opportunity for the Black community, including:

(i) what is needed for the development, implementation, and coordination of educational programs and initiatives at the Department and other agencies to improve educational opportunities and outcomes for Black Americans;

(ii) how to promote career pathways for in-demand jobs for Black students, including registered apprenticeships, internships, fellowships, mentorships, and work-based learning initiatives;

(iii) how to increase public awareness of and generate solutions for the educational and training challenges and equity disparities that Black Americans face and the causes of these challenges; and