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1—299 Animal tale.

1—99 Wild animal.

1—[65] Fox — clever.

1. an 1. ECPE no 203: Mt 1 (Puts fox in saddlebag; fox eats sardines) + Mt 2. le 1. ECPE no 202 (Pears. Wolf is skinned; pursues fox who leads him into brambles). 2. ECPE no 207: Mt 1 (Cheese) + Mt 34. 3. ECPE no 223: Mt 1 (Rolls) + Mt 2.
2. an 1. ECPE no 203: Mt 1 + Mt 2 (Fox ties basket to wolf's tail, throws stones into it and tells wolf it is filling with fish [K 1021.2]). [as] 1. CFAC p. 233 (Man ties basket to fox's tail, throws stones into it and tells fox it is filling with fish). le 1. ECPE 223: Mt 1 + Mt 2. oc 1. ECPE no 209 (Fox throws stones into basket on wolf's tail). 2. ECPE no 211: Mt 2 (Fox throws stones into basket on wolf's tail. Wolf is skinned) + Mt 50.
3. Cf Mt *64.
4. [as] 1. CFAC p. 233. Cf Mt *1424.
5. nc 1. ECPE no 267 (Shepherd catches fox's tail as she dives into thicket. She tells him he is holding a bush. He lets go and she escapes). Cf Mt 124 (ECPE no 257).
6. oc 1. ECPE no 259 (Bittern in fox's mouth flatters fox into singing). Cf Mt 57 *A.
9 B. Cf Mt 1030 (LRAC no 42) and Mt 1537 *A.