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R. S. Boggs, Index of Spanish Folktales.
FFC 90
121. Cf Mt *1703. oc 1. ECPE no 255: Mt 130 + Mt 121 (Wolves climb on top of one another into tree. Lizard jumps to ground and threatens to enter wolf's intestines again. This wolf, at bottom, faints with fright and the others tumble down).
122. New Mexico: Espinosa JAF XXVII 137 no 17.[1] Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XL 380 no 78 and 381 no 79.
A. Cf Mt 156 for thorn or nail in foot.
Juan Manuel, Conde Lucanor no 12; see BP II 208. Enxemplos no 85 (Gayangos p. 467 b); see BP II 209. Cervantes, Don Quixote I ch 20 and Avellaneda's continuation ch 21; see BP II 209.
an 1. ECPE no 204: Mt 122 AC + Mt 100. as 1. LRAC no 159. 2. CFAC p. 172. 3. ECPE no 217 (Fox and cat). 4. LRAC no 162 (Fox and cat). 5. CFAC p. 183 (Fox and cat) [as] 6. CFAC p. 235 (Wolf and goats). le 1. ECPE no 199. oc 1. ECPE no 200. 2. ECPE no 201: Mt 34 + Mt 122 A + Mt 100. 3. ECPE no 221 (Fox and cat). 4. ECPE no 213 (Wolf and goats).
C. an 1. ECPE no 204: Mt 122 A C + Mt 100 (Goat persuades wolf to sing).
123. Cf Mt 333.
124. an 1. COAR p. 53 = CST p. 201 (Two sheep build house of branches and grass, youngest builds one of stone with iron prongs on door. Monster eats two elder, but throws self against iron prongs and dies). nc 1. ECPE no 257 (Two hogs build houses

  1. C. M. Dean, A comparative study of certain Spanish-American folktales, M. A. Diss, Indiana University 1929 (unpublished) cites texts published in JAF from Guatemala, Mexico, New Mexico and Porto Rico of fifty types. I include these references under type headings without checking or attempting to analyze them.