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R. S. Boggs, Index of Spanish Folktales.
FFC 90

motherinlaw is coming. Or by cutting off a piece of Devil's tail and threatening to take it to motherinlaw is soldier able to induce him to pay reward. Cf Mt 331.
an 1. CPA p. 86 = ASEB p. 145 = CPE p. 12 = HCVK p. 158 = WCPA p. 221 = CST p. 107. [an] 2. SCL p. 57. as 1. CTA p. 108. x 1. HCWT p. 93.

*A. Girl wishes to marry a man whose teeth shine. Such a man appears and they marry. He takes her to his palace, and when he removes his hat she notices that he has two horns. She bars herself in room, sends one dog to mother for help and puts other dog on lookout. Devil finally battles his way into the room, but just then mother, neighbors and priests with cross come and Devil disappears. as 1. CTA p. 20.
*345. Christ and Apostles are shown hospitality by woodman. He is granted a wish [Q 451, Q 142], and asks that he may always win at cards [N 221]. He lives and dies peacefully. On way to Heaven he stops by house of wicked, dying notary and wins notary's soul from Devil in card game [E 756]. St. Peter does not wish to admit notary, but woodman recalls his hospitality and obtains notary's entrance. x 1. BPS p. 254.
361. Cf Mt *1516.
366. nc 1. ECPE no 160 (Wife digs up dead man and steals his entrails).

400—459 Supernatural or enchanted husband, wife, or other relative.

400—424 Wife.

Cf Mt *449.
400 *A. Concealed fisherman sees girl become swan and fly to a ship where she again becomes a girl [D 361.1].