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R. S. Boggs, Index of Spanish Folktales.
FFC 90

1878 I 182, who states that M. A. Lamothe has published a Spanish version of this tale in his Légendes de tous pays and questions that it may be a translation from F. Caballero.

720 *A. Stepmother sends brother and sister on errands and promises sweet to one who returns first. Brother returns first; she cuts him to pieces and puts him in crock in cupboard. Sister finds him and buries one of his bones from which springs a white lily. Out of it steps brother much handsomer than before and says he will reward sister for burying and weeping over him. He tells her they will go by a bright way to Heaven and stepmother will go by a dark way to Hell. an 1. COAR p. 94.
726. Cf Mt *80.

[746—749 Witch].

*746. Cf Mt 325.
Girl will imitate witch and fly; but she misstates the formula and says "with God and Holy Mary" instead of "without ...", or "below rivers, mountains, with all the devils" instead of "above ..." — and she knocks against roof or through brambles [D 1761.3]. an 1. ECPE no 161. 2. ECPE no 162. 3. COAR p. 96 (Religious modification). as 1. LRAL p. 179 = LRAF p. 77.

750—849 Religious tale.

Cf Mt *243.

750—779 God repays and punishes.

750 A. I *c Man is magically transported [D 2120] home in time to prevent his wife's marriage with another man [K 1568].