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viour Jesus Christ. Grant, O God! that this sacrifice may be also full of thy blessing, by the coming of the most Holy Spirit: because our Lord, and God, and Sovereign King, Jesus Christ, in the night in which he delivered himself for our sins, and underwent death in his flesh for all,-sitting at table with his holy Disciples and Apostles, took bread in his holy and immaculate and innocent hands, looking up to heaven, to thee, his Father, and our God, and the God of all, he gave thanks, blessed it, sanctified it, broke it,and gave it to his holy and blessed Disciples and Apostles, saying, take, eat; for this is my body, which is broken for you, and distributed for the remission of sins. Amen.-In like manner also, taking the chalice, after he had supped, and mixing wine and water, looking up to thee his Father, and our God, and the God of all, he gave thanks—he blessed it-he sanctified it --he filled it with the Holy Ghost, and delivered it to his holy and blessed Disciples and Apostles, saying,-drink ye all of it: for this is my blood of the New Testament, which is poured forth for you and many, and is distributed for the remission of sins. Amen.-Do this in commemoration of me: for as often as you shall eat this bread, and drink the chalice, you shall announce my death, and confess my ascension, till I come,” &c.[1] Ibid. p. 154-5-6.-" To thee, O Lord, our God, from thy own gifts we have offered thee what is thine. Send down upon us, and upon this bread, and this chalice, thy Holy Spirit; that he may sanctify and consecrate them, as God Almighty; and may make the bread indeed the body, and the chalice the blood of the New Testament of the very Lord, and God, and Saviour, and our Sovereign King, Jesus Christ,” &c. P. 157.--"Supreme Lord, God Almighty!-we beseech thee to expel the darkness of sin from our minds, and to exhilarate them with the splendour of thy Holy Spi-

  1. The words of the Institution occur in every Liturgy; and having given them once, I shall omit them in the following extracts.