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Christ: wherefore the food is not corporeal, but spiritual. Hence the Apostle, speaking of the type (or figure) says: Our Fathers did eat the spiritual food, and did drink the spiritual drink. (1 Cor. x.) For the body of God is a spiritual body. The body of Christ is the body of a divine spirit because Christ is a spirit, as we read, The Lord Christ is a spirit before our eyes.” Ibid. p. 341.—“This bread he gave to the Apostles, that they might divide it to those, who be lieved, and at the present day, he gives us the same, and the priest daily consecrates it in his words. This bread then, is the food of the saints. We are enabled to receive the Lord himself, who gave us his flesh, as he himself says: “I am the bread of life, &c.” De Bened. Patr. c. ix. T. 1. p. 524. -“Many adored Jesus Christ; the Apostles also adored him, and even the Angels adored him, as it is written, let all the Angels of God adore him. Now they adore not only his divinity, but also the footstool under his feet, because it is holy. And if heretics deny that adoration should be paid to the mysteries of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ....they may read in the Scripture, that the Apostles also adored him, after he had risen again in a glorified body. For we must not consider this footstool according to the ordinary custom of man: and again we are to adore only God.... We must therefore say, that the footstool is the earth, and by this earth we must understand the very flesh of Jesus Christ, which to this day we adore in our sacred mysteries, and which the Apostles formerly adored in his person, as we have already said. For Jesus Christ is not divided, but is indivisible; and whilst they adored him as the Son of God,