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do not know; and which, it were to be wished, some did not know to their condemnation. This was promised by certain signs: but when the promised truth came, the signs were taken away. In this body we subsist; of this body we are made partakers; we know what we receive.” In Psal. xxxix. Ibid. p. 334.—“ Christ took upon him earth from the earth; because flesh is from the earth, and this flesh he took from the flesh of Mary: and because he here walked in this flesh, even this same flesh he gave to us to eat for our salvation; but no one eateth this flesh, without having first adored it; and not only we do not sin by adoring, but we even sin by not adoring it. But is it the flesh that quickeneth? The Lord even, in exalting this earth to us, informs us, that it is the spirit that quickeneth, and that the flesh profiteth nothing. Wherefore in abasing yourself and in casting yourself down before any matter whatever, (he means, whatever part you receive of this sacred body,) consider it not as matter, but consider in it that holy one, of whom the body, which you adore, is the footstool. For it is for his sake that you adore it.” In Psal. xcviii. Ibid. p. 1065. - “ The man Christ Jesus, though in the form of God, he receive sacrifice with his Father, with whom he is one God, yet in the form of a servant he chose rather to be himself the sacrifice than to receive it; lest, even on this occasion, any one should imagine, that sacrifice might be offered to a creature. Thus is he the priest, himself offering, and himself the victim. It was his will that the Church's sacri-