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reading, what, in the Church of God, is so universally acknowledged, that even the tongues of infants, in the sacrament of our common faith, proclaim the truth of the body and blood of Christ. For in the mystic distribution of this spiritual food, we receive the virtue of the celestial aliment, and are transformed into his flesh, who took our flesh upon him." Ep. xlvi. Al. xxiii. ad Clerum et Plebem Constan. p. 518.

THEODORET, G. C.-He wrote four books against the Eutychians, who denied the reality of the human nature in Christ; in which he introduces two persons, under the names of Orthodoxus and Eranistes, who discuss the subject. The first, it is plain, is the Catholic believer. In the first dialogue, the reality of Christ's presence in the Eucharist had been established; but, in the second, the subject is resumed, and the change of the bread and wine more distinctly pointed out.—“ Orth. Tell me now; the mystical symbols, which are offered to God by the priests, of what are they the symbols? —Eran. Of the body and blood of the Lord.—Orth. Of his true body or not?—Eran. Of his true body. --Orth. Very well, for every image must have its original.--Eran. I am happy, you have mentioned the divine mysteries. Tell me, therefore, what do you call the gift that is offered before the Priest's invocation ?-Orth. This must not be said openly; for some may be present who are not initiated.- Eran. Answer then in hidden terms.—Orth. We call it an aliment made of certain grains.-Eran. And how do you call the other symbol?—Orth. We give it a name that denotes a certain beverage.- Eran. And after the consecration what are they called ?-Orth. The body of Christ, and the blood of