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after that event. But did this man follow the prophets ? Was he a prophet? Did he raise the dead? Did he work miracles? Did he speak various tongues? For to establish a new Gospel, he should have done some of these things;(a) and though he had, yet the Apostle assures us; That should an angel from heaven preach another gospel, let him be anathema. (Gal. 1. 8.)—Has no one, since the coming of Christ to Novatian, understood the Christian doctrine? And since that time, is he alone in the way of salvation? - But you add: We do not acquiesce in authority; we make use of As to me then, who hitherto have been satisfied with the authority and tradition of the Church, I will not now dissent from it; I will not seek after disputes; and you who have separated from this body, and divided from your Mother, search in books for what is most hidden, that you may disturb those that are at rest. It is not we, but you, who have raised this dispuse." Ep. iii. Ibid. p. 309.

St. John CHRYSOSTOM, G. C.—“To mortals has been committed the dispensation of heavenly things, a dispensation which God would not give to angels nor archangels : for to these was not said—What you shall bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever you shall loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven. (Matt. xviii. 18) Temporal Princes have a power to bind, but the body only; whereas the power of the Priesthood binds the soul, and reaches to heaven. In this sense, that God ratifies above what the Priests do here below; and the Master confirms the sentence of his servants. And what is this, but that all power over the concerns of heaven has been entrusted to them? Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained. What power, I ask, can be