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of the Apostle: If a man be overtaken in any fault, you, who are spiritual, instruct such a one in the spirit of meekness. (Gal. vi. 1.) Penitents, to you I again say, do not reject the remedy, which is offered for your salvation : for so says the Scripture: if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us. (1 Jo.i. 9.)” Ibid. p: 241.—This he illustrates by many facts recorded in the Scriptures.

St. EPHREM OF EDESSA, G. C.-“ If any one shall make known his thoughts to thee, or make known his errors despise him not for what he has committed; but rather rejoice in the conversion of a brother. For the voluntary declaration of sin to spiritual men, is an indication of amendment, while silence is a proof of a mind ill-affected.Wherefore, it becomes a duty humbly to comfort him, who discloses himself, considering thyself, as the Apostle says, (Gal. vi. 1.) lest thou also be tempted.” Serm. in illud; Attende tibi ipsi, c. ix. T. 1. p. 248. Ed Quirini.

St. GREGORY OF Nyssa, G.C.-“You, whose soul is sick, why do you not run to a physician? Why do you not confess and discover your malady to him by Confession: Why do you suffer your disease to increase till it be inflamed, and deeply rooted in you? Re-enter into your own breasts ; reflect upon your own ways. You have offended God, you have provoked your Creator, who is the Lord and judge, not only of this life, but of the life to come.—Enquire into the disease wherewith you are seized; be sorry; afflict yourselves, and communicate your affliction to your brethren, that they may be afflicted with you; that so you may obtain the pardon of your sins. Shew me bitter tears, that I may mingle mine with yours. Impart your trouble to the Priest, as to