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TERTULLIAN, L. C. See the passages quoted from this father, p. 308, et seq.


St. CYPRIAN, L. C. “The Lord must be invoked; he must be appeased by our satisfaction." De Lapsis, p. 187. —“Some are punished, that others may be reformed. The chastisements of a few are an example to all.” Ibid. p. 189. _“Let us turn with our whole mind to the Lord, and, expressing our repentance with true sorrow, implore his mercy. Before him let the soul bow down : to him let our sorrow make satisfaction : on him let all our hope rest.--By fasting, by tears, and by moaning, let us appease, as he himself admonishes, his indignation.-By the contrary conduct, more mortal wounds, greater crimes are incurred: you have sinned, and make no satisfaction; have sinned, and weep not.” Ibid. p. 191.—“Do entire penance; evince the contrition of a sorrowing and grieving mind. That penance, which may satisfy, remains alone to be done; but they shut the door to satisfaction, who deny the necessity of penance. -Let our sorrow be proportioned to our crimes. To a deep wound must be applied a long and searching medicine.You must pray most earnestly : pass the day in tears, and thus consume the hours of night, stretched on the ground in sackcloth and ashes : purge away your sins by works of justice, and by alms-deeds which may save the soul.-God