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and therefore, because he sins against him, he loses the participation of this heavenly Sacrament.” L. i. de Abraham, c. vii. T. i. p 302.—“ As the marriage must be rendered holy by the sacerdotal blessing; how can that be termed a marriage, where there is no agreement of faith ? Ep. xix. T. 11. p. 844.

St. SIRICIUS, L.C. “ That blessing, which the Priest imparts, may be considered as a kind of sacrilege, if it be attended by any transgression.” Ep. ad Himer. c.iv. Conc. Gen. T. ii. p. 1019.

COUNCIL OF CARTHAGE, IN 398. L.C. “When the parties are to receive the Priest's blessing, let them be presented by their parents.” Can. xiii. Conc. Gen. T. ii. p. 1201.

St. John CHRYSOSTOM, G.C. “ Whenever you are about to take a wife, read not only the laws of the land, but more than these, consider those of the Church ; for by these, and not by those of the state, will God judge you in that day.” Hom. iii. Quales ducendæ sint uxores. T. iii. p. 212. Edit. Bened.-" Christians should banish from their weddings all devilish pomps, and the like; and introduce the servants of God and his Priests; to have Jesus Christ in person amongst them, as he was at the marriage of Cana. To what purpose do you bring in a Priest to crave a blessing; and the next day, yourselves commit base actions?". Serm. xviii. T. 111. p. 195-6.—“With truth did the Apostle say, that this was a great mystery, that father and mother should be left, and that the man shall stick to her, who before was a stranger to him, and prefer her to all. This is indeed a mystery; and even parents, when this is done, take no offence.” Hom. xx. in ep. ad Eph. T. xi. p. 148.