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of the weak and unworthy, such as we are, for the repose and good name of those, who have already departed in the true faith, our Fathers, our Brothers, and our Masters, through the grace and mercy, &c.” Renaudot. T. ii. p. 36.

LITURGY OF ALEXANDRIA, G. C.--" We pray and beseech thee, O God, kind lover of mankind, protect this city for the sake of thy Martyr and Evangelist Mark, who shewed us the way of Salvation, and by the grace, and mercies, and goodness of thy only begotten Son, &c.” Ibid. p. 139.—“Be mindful, O Lord, of our Forefathers from the beginning, of the Apostles, Martyrs, Confessors,— and of our holy Father Mark, Apostle and Evangelist.-Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, because thou hast brought forth the Saviour of our souls. In particular, be mindful of the most holy, most immaculate, and our blessed Lady, the Mother of God, and ever Virgin Mary.” Ibid. p. 149.

LITURGY OF CONSTANTINOPLE, G. C.—“By the intercession of the most holy, immaculate, blessed above all, our glorious Lady, Mother of God, and ever Virgin Mary, by the virtue of the glorious and vivifying Cross, and of all the Saints, may Christ, our true God, have mercy on us, as a God of goodness and clemency, Amen.” Goar. p. 63.—“We also offer to thee, this rational service, for the sake of those who repose in Christ.—The Prophets, Apostles, Martyrsparticularly the most holy, pure, blessed above all, our glorious Queen, the Mother of God, and ever Virgin Mary. It is truly meet to praise thee, Mother of God, who art always to be blessed, and art free from all sin, who art the Mother of our God, to be venerated above the Cherubim, and incomparably more glorious than the Seraphim, who, in all purity didst bring forth God the Word : we magnify thee who art truly the Mother of God.- Perfect us, O God, by the prayers of St. John, the Prophet, Precursor and Baptist-of Saint N. whose memory we celebrate, and of all the Saints; and