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against the Churches of Asia Minor by the Council of Nice, - proved the anxious solicitude of the Church to maintain unity in discipline as well as unity in faith. To depart from the Jewish practice, and to avoid some inconveniences that this practice caused, was an additional motive; but uniformity was the leading object, and it was obtained by the decision of the synod.

TERTULLIAN, L. C. “The Apostles, having received the promised assistance of the Holy Spirit, first preached the faith in Judea, and planted Churches; whence going into the whole world, they proclaimed the same doctrine to the nations, and founded Churches. Therefore, the so many and so great Churches are one, from that one of the Apostles, from which are all. And thus all are Apostolic, while all maintain the same unity.” De Præscrip. c. xx. p. 334. “ There is one faith to the Apostles and to us; one God, one Christ, one hope, the same sacraments. Let me say it in one word, we are one Church. Whatever belongs to any among us, is also our own.” De virg. veland. c. 11, p. 309.

ST. CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA, G.C. “From what has been said, I think it manifest that there is only one true Church, which is alone ancient, to which all the just properly belong. This Church, which is one, is formed into one nature, which unity it is the endeavour of heretics to sever into many. Therefore we say, that the Ancient and Catholic Church alone is one in essence, in opinion, in origin, and in excellence, one in faith.(u) Of this Church, the emi-