Page:Farmer's son or, The unfortunate lovers.pdf/2

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tune—the royal cottager.

YOUNG lovers all, I pray, draw near,
Unto these lines which I have here,
How a young Lady was undone,
By loving of a Farmer's Son.

She was of birth and high renown,
Her portion was six hundred pound;
But soon this Lady's heart was won,
When she first saw the Farmer's Son.

She sent him letters ev'ry day,
Because he to her would nothing say,
Because he knew he was engag'd,
Unto her handsome chamber-maid.

His age it was just twenty-two,
As I the truth do tell to you;
He was well shap'd in ev'ry limb,
This Lady fell in love with him.

As she was walking in the grove,
By chance she met her own true love,
To him she said, Upon my life,
I do design to be thy wife.

O Lady fair, that cannot be,
For you to be a bride to me,
Because I'm going to be wed
To Sally, your own chamber-maid.