Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 index of names.djvu/18

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��Catrik or Hetericli, John, bp. St.

David's, 296. Catterick, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 635. Catterike or Catrik, John, bp. Exeter,

373: Catterike or Catrik, orHetterich,John,

bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 553. Catulus or Catellus, abp. St. David's,

288. Caulason, Bernard de,archd. Ely,35i. Cauntinton, Griffin de, archd. Caer-

marthen, 313. Caunton, Richard, archd. ('ardigan,

,314- Caunton, Philip de, archd. Cardigan,

314- Caurden, Richd., dn. Chichester, 257. Cave, William, prb. Hereford, 526. Cave, Albinus de, chan. Hereford, 491 . Caveler, Ralph, prb. Canterbury, 54. Cavendish, Hon. Thomas Unwin,

prb. Lichfield, 613. Cawardyn, llios., prb. Hereford, 495. Ceadda or Chad, bp. Lichfield, 538. Ceadda orHeadda, bp. Hereford, 454. Cecil, Charles, bp. Bangor, 108. Cecil, Charles, bp. Bristol, 219. Ceely, John, ])rb. Exeter, 425. Cellach or CeoUach, bp. Mercia, 538. Celmund, bp. Hereford, 454. Cenana, abp. St. David's, 28S. Cenen or Henea, abp. St. David's, 288. Ceolfrith or Cuthred, bp. Lichfield,

540. Ceollach or Cellach, bp. Mercia, 538. Ceolnoth, abp. Canterbury, 4. Chaceporc, Peter de, archd. Wells,

159- Chad or Ceadda, bp. Lichfield, 538.

Chaddesden, Henry de, prb. Lichfield,

624. Chaddesden or Chadeston, Ralph de,

treas. Lichfield, 581. Chaddesdon, Nicholas prb. Lichfield,

622. Chaderton, Edmund, archd. Chester,


Chadeston or Chaddesden, Ralph de, treas. Lichfield, 581.

Chadleshont or Chadsunt, William de, prb. Lichfield, 586.

Chadsunt or Chadleshont, William de, prb. Lichfield, 586.

Chadwick, Wm.,prb. Lichfield, 590.

Challen, John Gratwick, prb. Chi- chester, 282, 283.

Chamber, John, prb. Wells, 200.

Chamber, John, treas. Wells, 174.

��Chamberlayne,Thos., dn. Bristol, 224.

Chambers, Rich., prb. Hereford, 512.

Chambre, John, pre. Exeter, 412.

Chambre, John de la, prb. Hereford, 511.

Champion, Rich., prb. Canterbury, 49.

Chancey or Chause or Chauri, Ro- I bert de, archd. Bath, 163. ! Chandeler, 'I'homas, chan. Wells, ' 176.

Chandeler, Thos., dn. Hereford, 477.

Chandler, Edvvd., prb. Lichfield, 619. ' Chandler, Edvi^ard, bp. Coventry and Lichfield, 558.

Chandler, Geo., dn. Chichester, 259. I Chandos,, prb. Hereford, 517.

Chandos, Thos., prb. Hereford, 494. , Chandos, Thomas de, prb. Hereford,

496, 534-

Chandos, Thomas de, archd. Here- ford, 480.

Chantler, John, chan. Chichester, 271,

ChaplifF, Rich, de, prb. Lichfield, 603.

Chapman, Alex., prb. Canterbury, 60.

Chapman, John, prb. Bristol, 227. I Chapman, John, archd. Bath, 165. j Chapman, Thos., prb. Lichfield, 631. ' Chapman, Walter, prb. Bristol, 227. , Chapman, Wm., prb. Hereford, 495. , Cha])man, Wm. prb. Lichfield, 623.

Charleton, Thos., prb. Lichfield, 626.

Charleton, Griflfith de, prb. Hereford, 522.

Charleton, Roger de, archd. Totnes, 402.

Charleton, Thomas de, archd. Totnes, 402.

Charneles, John de, prb . Lichfield, 591.

Charneles, John de, chan. Hereford, 492.

Charnock, Hugh, prb. Hereford, 525.

Chase, William, prb. Wells, 184.

Chaselden, Will., prb. Lichfield, 628.

Chaterton, Edm., archd. Totnes, 403.

Chatfield, Stephen, treas. Chichester, 268.

Chaumbre, John de, treas. Hereford, 489.

Chaundler, Tho., prb. Hereford, 506.

Chauntrel, Ralph, prb. Lichfield, 629.

Chauntrie, Will., archd. Derby, 576.

Chauri or Chause or Chancey, Ro- bert de, archd. Bath, 163.

Chause or Chancey or Chauri, Robert de, archd. Bath, 163.

Cheam or Cheyham, John de, archd. Bath, 163.

Chedle, Roland, treas, Bangor, 118.

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