Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 index of names.djvu/5

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N O M I N U M.



Baber, John, prb. Exeter, 421. Babington, Adrian, prb. Lichfield,6o7. Babington, Brute or Bryan, prb.

Lichfield, 590. Babington, Charles Maitland, prb.

Hereford, 533. Babington, Gervase, prb. Hereford,

531- Babington, Gervase, bp. Exeter, 379. Babington, Thos., prb. Lichfield, 621. Babington, Zachary, prb. Lichfield,

594- Babington,Zachary,pre.Lichfield,58o. Bach, Alexander, bp. St. Asaph, 70. Bach, William, prb. Hereford, 520,


Bache, Simon, prb. Lichfield, 628.

Bache, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 503.

Backhouse, William, archd. Canter- bury, 45.

Backshell, John, prb. Chichester, 272.

Bacon, Francis, prb. Lichfield, 623.

Bacon, Thomas, prb. Ely, 359.

Bacon or Beacon, Thomas, prb. Can- terbury, 50.

Baddeby,Thos. de, prb. Lichfield,637.

Baddeby,Thos. de, pre. Lichfield, 579.

Baddisley,Thomas, prb. Lichfield,6o7.

Badestun, Wilham de, chan. Wells,

175. Badham, John, prb. Hereford, 524,

528. Bagart, William, prb. Hereford, 519. Bagetore, Philip de, pre. Exeter, 409. Bagetore, Roger de, pre. Exeter, 409. Bagge, Phihp, prb. Hereford, 525. Bagnall, Gibbons, prb. Hereford, 496,

523- Bagot, Frederic, prb. Wells, 194.

Bagot, Lewis, bp. St. Asaph, 79. Bagot, Lewis, bp. Bristol, 220. Bagot, Rich., prb. Lichfield, 621. Bagot, Rich., bp. Bath and Wells,i49. Bagot, Hon. Rich., dn.Canterbur}',35. Bagot, Walter, prb. St. Asaph, 86. Bagshaw, John, prb. Lichfield, 607. Bagshaw, John, dn. Hereford, 476. Bagshawe, Christopher, prb. Lichfield,

609. Bagshawe, Edm., prb. Lichfield, 590. Bagshawe, John, prb. Lichfield, 592. Baile, Daniel, prb. Lichfield, 608. Bailly, William, prb. Hereford, 524. Baily, John, prb. Hereford, 502, 508,


��Baily, John, prb. Wells, 210. Baily, John, pre. Hereford, 486. Baily, Thomas, prb. Bristol, 232. Baily, William, prb. Wells, 200, 205. Bailye, Hugh, prb. Lichfield, 610,

636. Bailye, Hugh, chan. Lichfield, 586. Baines or Bayne, Ralph, bp. Coventry

and Lichfield, 556. Baker, Aaron, prb. Exeter, 428. Baker, Aaron Abraham, prb. Wells,

208. Baker, George, prb. Exeter, 427. Baker, George, archd. Totnes, 404. Baker, Nicholas, prb. Wells, 180. Baker, Nicholas, treas. Bangor, 119. Baker, Philip, prb. Hereford, 528. Baker, Samuel, prb. Canterbury,

55- Baker, Thomas, prb. St. Asaph, 91.

Baker, Thomas, prb. Chichester, 283.

Baker, Thomas, prb. Exeter, 429.

Baker, William, prb. Hereford, 525.

Baker, William, prb. Lichfield, 642.

Baker, William, bp. Bangor, 108.

Baker alias Elton, John, prb. Here- ford, 532.

Baker ahas Elton, John. chan. Here- ford, 493.

Balding, Thomas, prb. Hereford, 513.

Baldock, Robert de, prb. Lichfield, 600, 602.

Baldwin, archd. Exeter, 392.

Baldwin, archd. Totnes, 401.

Baldwin, abp. Canterbury, 9.

Baldwdn, Francis, prb. Hereford, 510.

Baldwin, Rich., prb. Hereford, 524.

Baldwin, William,archd.Caermarthen,

313- Bale, John, prb. Canterbury, 60.

Balkley, Lancelot, archd. Merioneth,

117. Ball, Henry, archd. Chichester, 261. Ball, John, prb. Lichfield, 629. Ball, Richard, prb. Ely, 361, 362. Ball, Thomas, prb. Chichester, 273. Ball, Thomas, archd. Chichester, 261. Ballard, Edward, prb. Hereford, 519,

521. Ballard, Edward, pre. Hereford, 487. Ballard, James, prb. Hereford, 509. Ballshaw, William, prb. Lichfield,

675. Balsham or Belesale, Hugh, bp. Ely,

329- Bamford, Robert, prb. Lichfield, 629.

Bampfyld, Francis, prb. Exeter, 424.

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