Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/106

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100 LIN< OLN.

Thomas Waedropee, collated [7th Jan. i 1 //)-;. vice Drury deceased. He quitted it for Bedford Major.

William Newton succeeded 16th May 1397. He ex- changed with

\\'i 1 1 1 \m Hales in 1410.

RlCHAED I NGOLD8BY, Collated ill I412. 1 lo quit t('(l it

for Welton Bekhall by exchange with

John II w 1 bsh wi, who succeeded in 1 -t - 7 -

.Fun \ Stonj died possessed of this stall in 1449.

Simon Say, collated 41I1 July 1449, vice Stone deo ased.

Thom ts Gh \i \.i 1 succeeded 1 2th July 14.") '< vice Saj resigned : he resigned in 1 467-

Rn 11 \ki. Lu in 11 in. LL.D, collated 15th April 14 vioe Grainger resigned. H< became canon of Si Paul's, having quitted this prebend a considerable time I., fore his death, \vliih t-><>k place 27th Feb. u 1 le was buried in the cathedral.

William Woodcock, installed 2 si March 1471-2.

Thomas Dalison, installed 18th March 1474-5.

Si illwoeth, rsl 1 ] 0. [48 1. He quitted it the

3 <r.

John Bakeb, S.T.P., installed :4th March [4812.

1 It died in [487. Thomas Gilbeet, LL.D., oollated 17th Feb. [487-8,

\ ice Bak< r d d.

Gilbeet John Buegess, S.'I'.IV, resigned it ciroiter

[515, when Robebt II\i:n\, who wa- installed 5th March that

salllc \c ar, -lire, | ,1' !.

James H installed 5th Sept. i^ij.

Richabd Maudei / , installed

iyth June i", 1 8. Jam 1 s Mallet, jrd Sept. [519, he quitted it for Sel-

ford. John Stapj e installed 21st July 1 52 , John London, LL.D., installed 29th 1 ", 2 2 . via

Staple deoeast d.

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