Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/13

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Will. I.


��109; r. win. 11


H\ mights 58 of Fj -' 11 imp succeeded Wlfwi.

his episcopate the see was removed from Dorchester and settled ;it Lincoln. The exact time of this oc- currence, however, is a matter of doubt; various dates have been ;l --1 ltii<1 to it from 107: to 1092. The most probable is 107S, when it was decreed at a council holden in London that episcopal sees should be removed from insignificant towns to cities of im- portance, lie died ;th May 1092'*', t\v<> days before the time (vii Id. Mail) which had been appointed for the consecration of the cathedral of Lincoln 1 . Robert Bloet 1 . tfo king's chancellor, was appointed in Lent (0923, and consecrated in Dec. 1093, at St. Mary in the Castle, Hastings, by archbishop Anselm and seven of his suffragans in the presence of the King and many of his nobles' 1 . He died on the 3rd day after the Epiphany 112: 3. His body was buried

��58 Between Wlfwi and Remi- gius, be Neve, upon the autho- rity of Prynne (Lordly Prelacy, p. 315.), inserts the name of Alex- ander, who, he states, was de- prived in 1070. Neither Malmes- bury nor Florence however men- tion such a person. Roger Wen - dover and his copyist, Matt. Paris, both refer to an Alexan- der, bishop of Lincoln, in 1070. but there is evidently some mis- take, as the see of Lincoln was not then in existence.

ft9 In the general council held in 1072, relative to the prece- dence of the archbishops of Can- terbury over those of York, Dor- chester is mentioned as one of the sees to be subject to Canter- bury (Malmes. Gest. Reg. lib. hi. 300.); and in the Domesday Survey, completed in 1088, Lin-

��coln is described as a city "in qua nunc est episcopates."

60 Hoveden, fol. 265 b. Some

writers placeliis death on 6th May.

61 Flor. AVigorn. ad an. 1092. " Rex Willielmus junior, pro pecunia quam ei Remigius dede- rat, fere totius Angliae episcopis mandavit, ut in unum conveni- entes septenis Iditras Maii eecle- siam dedicarent. Sed biduo ante diem statutum, occulto Dei judi- cio, ipse episcopus Remigius migravit e seculo et ecclesiae per hoc remansit dedicatio?"

62 The brother of Hugh, bishop of Bayeux. MS. Cott. Claud. A. xiii. fol. 118.

63 Eadmer, lib. i. p. 23. In his time, much to his discontent, the bishopric of Ely was taken out of the diocese of Lincoln.

64 Sim. Dunelm. Robertus

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