Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/152

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Jos] i'ii Hi \iiiam. S.T.I*., collated 7th March 1703-4,

and died in 1 7223. Jos 1 mi Smith, S.T.l '., collated rst April 1723. William Lamplugh, M.J)., collated 1 8th June 1735,

vice Joseph Smith resigned, \k BOLA8 Wl BB1 . M. A. collated icth Jan. 173785

vice William Lamplugh deceased. Richard Oaklet, collated 25th April and installed

27th May 1775, vice Nicholas Webbe deceased.

Ih ski BaoMFIl i 11, collated iStli. and installed 2ist

Auu'. 1 7 < s 4 . vice Richard Oakley deceased.

I'k \\( 1- S* w. A.M.. collated Jcth Jan., and installed 4th Feb., 1 S04, vice Henry Bromfield deoeased.

l'i; \ \. 1- Swan, junior. 15.1 >., collated 15th and installed

19th Nov. 1 . vice Francia Swan resigned.

IMP I Mill AM. Robert Gbosthxad, arckdeacon, by virtue of hi- |

session of this prebend, presented a olerk to the

vicarage of Empingham. Sti 1 hi \ Si 1 roN, who died archdeacon of Northampton

in 1 2^0, directed in hie will thai he ahould be buried in

the prebendal church of Bmpingham ; it was afterwards

separated from the archdeaconry. Jo6celikb de Kibningtom succeeded, collated v Id.

Jan. (9th Jan.) 1290-1, vice Sutton deceased* He

died 1 }2i. being then treasurer. Richabd Cami l succeeded, and died in 1323.

HuGB DE Cam I 1: a, collati d \i < 'al. Nov. (2 2nd Oct.) 1326.

Richabd di Whitb i 1 1. held this stall in 1343 and 134^-

Johe di LumiAM resigned it iv Cal. Nov. (29th Oct.) 1363, to

Richabd de Ravemsbb, who exchanged it for Castor prebend, with

Philip Thobnbubv, 20th Aug. 1384.

William Howlet, installed 30th Nov. 1386, and ex- changed it for Langford manor, with

Eudo i. a Zou( 11. installed 2nd March 13889. Appoint-

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