Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/178

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Thomas Feldi . <l< in of Hereford, collated :4th April

[416, \i< Prophet deceased. Thomas Walton bin eded, and collated znd Aug.

1419, \ ice Felde deceasi d. Itn ha an Wyoi died | ed * f * it in <439<

W 1 1.1.1 \m Wellesbt, collated in 1.; Thomas W llton obtained it again about 144 ] Peteb ii Astebio is said to have been presented to

it roth Deo. 1451 by the King, vice Thomas Walton

d< ceased. John Holland, also presented in 14", 1 . Edward Wodi vill, collated 25th March 14' Li on led \\ c 1 1 > 1 \ 11 1 . collated 5th June 14" i. He was

afterwards bishop of Salisbury. He quitted this foi

1 ame. Rob] 1; 1 I'm mini.. installed jrd Dee. [478, and

died in i-: \Y 1 1 11 \ m Ti :. 1 nii \ m Bueceeded iRth,and was installed

by ]'i"\\ 1 tli Aug. [483, vice Fleming deceased

He died in 1497, and was buried at Stoke-Olare col- lege luirrli. where he was dean. Hugh < )i dham, A.M.. 91 ided in 1497. In 1505 he

was made bishop of I Ixet> Thomas Rowthall, collated [9th Jan. 1504 5. In

1509, he was made bishop of Durham. John Chambee, M.D., was collated 15th June, and

in-tailed 4th .lul\ 1509; and died in j ", 4 9 . being

archdeacon of Bedford. Chbistophi b Massingbebd, installed 10th July 15451

vice Ohambre d< I. He died in 1553-41 being

archdeacon of Stow. John Maydew, installed 25th May 1553. Wii 1 1 am Tai 1 OB, A.M., installed by proxy 22nd Oct.

[553, vice John Maydew resigned. John Pom . LL.B., installed 24th Aug. 1554. He <li< d

in 1558, and was buried in the cathedral. Gabbiei W'iiii 1. A.B., installed 14th March [558

I deprived in 1574.

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