Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/29

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temporalities delivered t<> him znd May 1 554. '. He was consecrated in St. Saviour's, Southwark, on the 1st of the preceding month 35 . He was translated tn Win- chester in 1556, and his translation was signified to the archbishop 18th Sept. 36 The license to elect a bishop in the room of .John White bears date 8th Dec. 15.56 . 1557 Thomas Wats<>\, S.T.P., dean of Durham, and master I&5P.&M. of St. John's cotteg , ' nbridge, was promoted to the bishopric of Lincoln by papal bull dated ix Oal. Ap. (24th March) 1556-7 \ and consecrated 15th Aug. I557 89 . He obtained plenary restitution of the tem- poralities 9th Deo. following * } having had the cus- tody of them granted to him n\\\ !><'. 1556". On 25th June 1559 he was deprived of his bishopric 42 , and the spiritualities seized into the hands of the dean and chapter of Canterbury 2ml July. A license to elect a bishop in his room issued 25th Nov. follow- ing 11 ; in pursuance of which, 1560 Nicholas Bullingham, archdeacon ami prebendary of 2 Eliz. Lincoln, was elected, and obtained the royal assent to his election 12th Jan. 1 559-60". He was confirmed on the l.S'th and consecrated on the 21st of the same month 1 '. The temporalities were restored to him 1 8th April following; and 26th Jan. 15701 he was translated to Worcester 46 . A license to elect a bishop in the room of Nicholas Bullingham issued 15th Jan. 1570-1 t.

��34 Pat. 1 Mar. p. 1. m. 21. 4 - He was confined at Wis-

35 Reg. Eccl. Cant uar. beach castle for many years by

36 Reg. Pole. fol. 4. queen Elizabeth, where he died, Pat. 3 & 4 Phil. & Mar. p. and was buried in Wisbeach

6. m. 21. church 27th Sept. 1584.

38 Reg. Pole. fol. 8. Pat. 2 Eliz. p. 14. m. 6.

39 Ibid. "ibid. p. n.m.8.

411 Pat. 4 & 5 Phil. & Mar. p. 45 R eg . p ar ker. fol. 50. 1. m. 2. 46 Reg. Parker.

41 Pat. 3 & 4 Phil. & Mar. p. # Pat. 13 Eliz. p. 5. m. 44. 6. m. 21.

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