Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/68

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Gardiner 98 . He became archdeacon of Dorset, and afterwards bishop of Hereford.

l'.hMi \i> Bonner, LL.D., was collated 9th Oct., and installed 17th <>rt. 15^5 ; void bj the promotion of T<>\ ' '. He became bishop of Hereford in 1 3 3 8 .

William More, bishop-tuffiragcm of Colchester, was col- lated :4th Sept. 1 -;,; \.ij.i by the promotion of Bonner ' .

Thomas Robertson, S.T.B., was collated 19th Feb., and installed 5th March 1540-1 ; void by the death of W . More 3 . He became dean <>t' Durham.

Richard Barber, LL.D. 3 , arckdecuson of Bedford, was installed :4th Deo. i."/>~. void by the resignation of T. Robertson. He died 15th Feb. 1589-90. He n signed a shoii time before \\\< death.

Hi '.11 Hi. vi in , S.T.B., Collated 10th May, and in-tailed 1 |th May 1589, and resigned in 1,1,1.

Robi in Johnson, A.M.. collated [9th April, and in- stalled i~\\\ July 1591, and died 1 -1 \\\i. 16

Richard Piliinton, S I P., collated rst Aug. 1625, and died in the middle of Sept. [631. He was buried in the church of Hambledon in Buckinghamshire.

William Warr, collated :i>t Sept. 1631, and paid his first fruits for this dignity 14th Oct. [631 ; and \\a< present, - nich, at a metropolitical visitation <>f this church, [ith Aug. [634, and likewise at a con- vocation in 1640.

Hi wry l'i km , S.T.P., collated 1 6th Oct. 1641, and resigned it in [661, on being made dean of Ely. Ho became bishop of < Ihester.

Robert Hiti h, collated [8th June 1661, and installed [3th duly [66i ; and resigned it in iV<2, on being made archdeacon of the East Riding 4 . He became Iran of York.

��- Reg. Line. I!. id. Souls, Oxford, ioth April 1565,

1 Ibid. -Ibid. and resigned that office 25th Oct.

< He was elected warden of All i.'Ti * Reg. Line.

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