Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/133

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William Ho] di ft, S.T.P., 16th Nov. 1672 1 '. Edmund Kidby, A.M., 9th April 1 6y<S"'.

PTOLOM] i 8 .1 \ \l I 3, 4 til .IllMC J 7 13 '".

Robert Drew, 9th June \jig ,s .

Jos] in Hi in i:. i nli l'b. 1 745-6, vice Robert Drew 19 .

Ob. Aug. [798. Thomas Bubgess, 14th Nov. 1798, vice .Joseph 1 iut -

lor '".

Roill IET N \ I! IS, 1st I )i'f. 1 798 -.

William Hali Hale, 3rd April 1829, vice Robert

Naree Debwent Coleridge, collated 24th Jan. and installed

z8th Feb. 1846, vice William Hale Hale 98 .


Si (. \ i;i 8.

Angeri s or Ai geri 3, the father of Thurstan the arch'

bixlwp [of York"], canon in 1 104. Audoenus, broth r ofth archbishop [of York]. Hi hi 11 t Vaci \ was canon in 1 150. Henry de Northampton was canon in 1 181. Richard de Ei s , Peter, treasurer of this cathedral. William de F auconbebge, treasurer of this cathedral,

William de Ram i;ii.

Rogeb de Cantilupo held it in 1249

Walteb de Merton 26 ; 15th June 1259.

Anthony di Kamille or Camilla.

Henry the Almoner.

William Heyremin, or Ermyne, or Ayreminne.

Ixgelard de Wareley. Tho King gave him this

��18 Reg. Henchman, f. 169. 23 Bishops' Certificates.

16 Reg. Compton, f. 145. 24 OrKentissetuneorCantlers,

'" Bishops' Certificates. sometimes Kentillers.

is Ibid. ly Ibid. 25 p at> 43 H en. III. m. 7.

20 Ibid. 21 Ibid. 26 Ibid.

w Ibid.

3 f -

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