Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/6

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��King of the East Saxons was then subject. Wini held the see till hie death in 674- '.

Eaeconuai.d- ' was consecrated bishop of London by Theodore, archbishop of ( Canterbury, in the year 674 95 . lie died at Harking 30th April 693 a6 , and was suc- ceeded by

l"i \i mi 1 ki '" in 1 19 1 . Beds 9 states that this prelate invested Sebbi, king of the East Saxons, with the monastic habit about the year 694. The time of his death is not known, His successor was

I\(.ii \in ". An uncertainty prevails respecting tho time of hi- appointment to tin- see He assisted at the consecration of Taetwine, archbishop of Can- terbury, in the Mar ;;i ; and he died in 744 or


��Beda, lib. iii. C. 7. Rudhurn, (Hist. Winton. p 192, however,

stale-, that W'ini. OUl <>f ptnit

for the Bunony be had committed, retired from hi- see about three - tutor,' hia death, to the monastery at Winchester, of which lie had formerly been monk.

LM Erkenwald or Ercenwold, Tunc etiam Orientalibus Sax-

onibus Earconualdum

con8tituit(Theodorus episcopum in civitateLundonia." Beda, 1 1 isl Eccl. lib. iv. c. 6.

1 le was consecrated in the year that Winfred, bishop of Mercia,wae deposed. Beda, Hist. Eccl. lib. iv. c.6. Flor. Wigorn. ad ann.67-. Anglia Sacra. pars 1.

Ill- death is also placed in the year 685; Ini, kin^ of the West Saxons, who commenced his reign in the year 689, ac- cording to the Saxon Chronicle, addressed Heddi and Erchenw old his bishops. He was first buried

��in the navt of the cathedral ot St. Paul's, but Ins hotly was af- terwards removed " in orienta-

lem ejusdem plagam" on 14th Nov. 114 s . Adam Murimuth.

1 also Walther. 28 His accession to this 6ee ha- been placed in the year 680, OH the authority of a charter to

the monastery of Peterborough, (ConciL AngL torn. i. p. 167.) hut that charter hears unequivo- cal marks of forgery. Beda, lib. iv. c. 2. [gwaldus, Chron. S.Cruc; Higwaldus, Brompt.; Ingualdus, Malms. I'untif.; Inguad, I loved. ; [ngolgns, Matt. West.

" On the authority of a char-

ter to the monastery of Croyland, hut winch is now admitted to be a forgery, he is said to have been bishop of this see in the year 716. His accession to the see is also placed in 704.

O Beda. Hist. Eccl. lib. v. c. 23.

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