Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/74

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��Charles Moss, 29th Nov. [749, vice Cartwright 14 . He

was promoted to St. David's in 1766.

William Samuel Powell, i-th Deo. 1766, vice ( lharles Moss 15 .

Anthony II \ m 11 io\, 6th Feb. 1 775, vice William Sa- muel Powell 1 ' 1 . Ob. 4th Oct. 1812, aetat. 74.

Joseph Jefferson, [6th Nov. [812, vice Anthony Ha- milton ir . Ob. in Dec. 1821.

( 'n \iii ^ .1 \ \i 1 s Blom 11 ELD, 15th Jan. 1 822, vice Jo- seph Jefferson ls .

William Rowe Lyall, 4th June 1824, vice Gharlee James Blomfield >.

Sir Herbert Oakeley, hart.. 7th duly 1 84 1, vice Wil- liam Rowe Lyall- ". Ob. 27 th March 1S45. atat. 54.

Charles Parb Burnet, collated 1 5 1 1 1 Aug. and in- stalled 15th Oct. i< s 45, vice sir Herbert Oakeley, bart. '-

This archdeaconry (now transferred to Rochester) is rated for first fruits at 5c


The abbey of St. AlbaiTs and several parishes in the

��14 Bishops' Certificates.

is [bid. w Ibid.

i" Ibid. >s Ibid.

19 [bid. 20 ibid.

81 [bid.

'--' Kcton, p. 21 7.

28 The following MS. note is in earl Powis's copy of Le Neve, p. [98 : "This archdeaconry mi foundedtemp. Hen. III. 1 1 Prynne 599.) The following catalogue of archdeacons was extracted from the Registers of the Archdeaconry wherein wills are proved, with the names of the archdeacons written at the beginning of their prefecture; but there are no dates

��of admissions. As I apprehend, the archdeacons were removable at the pleasure of the abbot, and the office was executed by some of the convent, as I guess. The Register begin- 1420, and the following archdeacons occur :

1. John Hatfield in 1420.

2. William Alnwick in 1425 and


3. John Hatfield in 1433.

4. John Peyton in I435.

5. Stephen London, D.D..


6. William Albon, LL.D.,


7. John Blethbury in 1452.



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