Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/98

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Robebt Bakkiia.m resigned this stall in 1642'". Joseph Crowtheb, S.T.B., 8th April l64^ ,,,, . He was

also precentor. Thomas TuENEE, S.T.B., r ith Jan. 1689-90 '". He

was also precentor. Geoege Caetes, collated 19th June 1714 Thomas Caetweight, collated 26th March 1733 s9 . Sheelocs Willis, collated 23rd Nov. 1 74^ : ". Ob.

21st April 1 783. John Si 1 eiges, collated 26th June 1783, vice Willie? 1 . (ii OEGl S] 1 Ki K, collated -tli Nov. i 807, vice St urges 7 '-.

Ob. i8th Nov. 1840, setat. 74.

RlCHABD HAEVEY, collatetl 17th Mareh [843, vie. George Seeker "'.


A.SK1 1 11 - or Ai -hi 1 hi - held this stall in i 103 r . Rogi a, t//' archdeacon, son of Robert the archdeacon. Rich led, " Nepos episoopi (rater Rioardi." Alexandeb hi Saccavil or Sachevil held this stall

about 1 [6a. Ralph "de Ai 1 \ Knw ;" he was also chancellor of

this church. Ai.ahi). the archdeacon [of London], He was also dean


ROBEET DE S. Maim k K< I 1 l BIA.

Si mo\ de Wj 11 Bj i>i<l<<>j> of Chichester.

1{k baed de Hi GHAMs, archdeacon of Essex.

Tin sob \i i> di V iLOKiis, archdeacon ofEseem.

Philip de Fauconbebg, archdeacon of Iluntinndon.

held this stall between 1 111 and 1 128. Ralph Burro or i i Beeton, appointed in I228? 6 .

��6 ' s Reg. Laud. f. 109. "-' Bishops' Certificates.

w [bid. :a Ibid.

r ' : Reg. Compton, f. no. 74 Cadindona or Cadindon, or

68 Hishops' Certificates. Kadendon.

69 Ibid. ""Ibid. KBeg.Dec.etCap.Lib.L.f.17. "' Ibid. "6 Pat. 13 Hen. III. m. II.

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