Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/792

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786 INDEX North, Hon. John, Reg. prof. Greek, Cambridge, 660. North, the Hon. John, mast. Trinity coll. Cambridge, 700. North, Montague, can. Windsor, 411. Northall,Vm. de, archd. Gloucester, 76, Northall, William de, b)). Worcester, 50 Northampton, John, can. Windsor, 377. Northy)urg, Michael de, prb. York, 215. Northburgh, Michael de, prb.York,i8i. North burgh, Roger de, prb. York, 225. Northburgh, Roger de, archd. Rich- mond, 137. Northburgh, Roger de,chan. Cambridge, 597- Northey, Edward, can. Windsor, 412. Northwell, John de, prb.Southwell,429, 437, 440, 443. Northwell, Wm. de, prb. Southwell,437. Northwode,Tho.,chan. Cambridge, 600. Northwode, John de, chan. Oxford, 465 . North wode, Thomas de, chan. Cam- bridge, 598. Norton, Baldwin, prb. York, 199. Norton, John, proc. Cambridge, 622. Norton, John, tax. Cambridge, 636. Norton, John, chan. Oxford, 467. Norton, WiUiam, tax. Cambridge, 642. Norton, William de, prb. York, 202. Norwell, Rich, de, prlj. Southwell, 450. Norwich, Geoffrey of, pre. York, 154. Norwich, Geoffrey, dn. York, 121. Nothurst, Walter, can. Windsor, 378. Nott, George Frederick, prb. Winches- ^ ter, 36. Nott, George Fred., proc. Oxford, 502. Nott, Samuel, prb. Winchester, 38. Nottingham, Henry de, prb. Southwell, 461. Nottingham, John de, archd. Notting- ham, 151. Nottingham, Rich, of, chan. Oxford, 464. Nottingham, Rob. de,i)rb. Southwell, 450. Nottingham, John, ])rb. York, 198. Nottingham, John, treas. York, 161. Nottyngham, John, j)rb. York, 191. Notyngham, John, can. Windsor, 381. Nourse, Major, tax. Caml)ridgc, 643. Nova-villa, Rob. de, prb.Southwcll,447. Nowell,Alex.prb.Westminster,35i,3,35. Nowell, Alexander, can. Windsor, 398. Nowell, Alexander, prin. Brasenose coll. Oxford, 564. Nowell, Laurence, prb. York, 169. Nowell, Thomas, j)roc. Oxford, 500. Nowell, Thomas, pub. orat. Oxford, 535. Nowell, Thomas, Reg. prof. mod. hist. Oxford, 530. Nowell, Thomas, prin. St. Mary hall, Oxford, 585. Noyes, Samuel, prb. Winchester, 38. Noyes, Samuel, proc. Cambridge, 626. Noyon, William, prb. York, 181. Nuttall, Edmund, can. Windsor, 398. Nutter, John, prb. Chester, 269. Nutter, John, dn. Chester, 264. Xykke, Richard, prb. Southwell, 459. Nykke, Nix or Nikke, Richard, can. Windsor, 390. O. Oakeley, Richard, proc. Cambridge, 629. Oakley, Herbert, prb. Worcester, 82. Ockley, Simon, prof. Arab. Cambridge, 661. Odyl, Thomas, prb. Winchester, 33. Odyngton, Thomas de, prb. York, 220. Otfley, Robert, prb. Durham, 316. O Alley, Walter, dn. Chester, 265. Offord, Andrew de, prb. York, 201. Offord, Andrew de, subd. York, 128. Oftfor or Ostfor, bp. Worcester, 46. Ogden, Samuel,Wood. prof. geol. Cam- bridge, 665. Ogilvie, Charles Atmore, Reg. prof. past, theol. Oxford, 517. Oglander, John^ ward. New coll. Ox- ford, 556. Ogle, James Adey, prof. anat. Oxford, 527- Ogle, James Adey, Aid. prof. anat. Ox- ford, 533. Ogle, James Adey, Aid. prof. med. Ox- ford, 533. Ogle, James Adey, clin. prof. Oxford, 532. Ogle, James Adey, Reg. prof. med. Ox- ford, 514. Ogle, J. Savile, prb. Durham, 320. Ogle, Mark, proc. Cambridge, 629. Ogle, Newton, prb. Durham, 315. Ogle, Newton, archd. Surrey, 31. Ogle, Newton, dn. Winchester, 2^. Oglcthorp, Owen, proc. Oxford, 487. Oglethorp or Oglethrop, Owen, can. Windsor, 393. Oglethorj)e, Owen, dn. Windsor, 373. Oglethorpe, Owen, pres. Magdalen coll. Oxford, 561, 563. Oglethor})e, Owen, vicc-chan. Oxford, 475- Oglethorpe, Owen, bp. Carhsle, 241. Oglethrop or Oglethorp, Owen, can. Windsor, 303. Okes, Richarcf, prov. King's coll. Cam- bridge, C84.