Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 1.djvu/200

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192 FEDERAL REPORTER. �No one havîng a proper standing in court has asked the court to rescind the order appointing a receiver, and I do not think the court of its own motion is called upon to make such order. �But creditors of the corporation wiii no longer be hmdered in bringing suits or proceeding by execution against it. Leave will be and is hereby granted to them to proceed by suit and execution. �This permission, however, is subject to a qualification in the case of M. B. Thompson, Jane Eeamer, Minerva H. Ea- hauser, Jane Eedman and Margaret Eeamer. These parties proceeded in the common pleas court, No. 2, against the Pittsburgh & Castle Shannon Eailroad Company and the re- ceiver, by an action of ejectment, in clear contempt of the authority of this court. A subsequent application was made to this court to sustain that suit, but this was ref used. I have been asked to reconsider the action of the court in this re- gard, and I was, at first, disposcd to do so; but upon reflee- tion I have concluded not to disturb the former order of the court. But leave is now granted to said parties to bring and prosecute to judgment and execution a new action of eject- ment, or such other suits as may be appropriate to their case. �Petition dismissed. ��� �