Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 1.djvu/231

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"WOVEN WIRB MATTEESS 00. V. WIRB WEB BED CO. 223 �dated May 29, 1877, for an improvement in bedstead frames. The original patent was issued November 30, 1869, to J. M. Famham, assigner to the plaintiff. �The validity of the patent has recently been sustained by Judge Blodgett, holding the circuit court for the northern dis- trict of niinois, in three contested cases, which were appar- ently tried together. �The claims of the patent are as foUows : �1. The combination of the side bars and end bars, and elastic coiled wire, fabric "D," attached only to the end bars, "with the end bars of the frame elevated above the side bars, 80 that the fabric will be suspended above the side bars from end to end of the frame. �2. The combination in a removable bed bottom or bedstead frame, of the side-bars "A," standards or corner pieces "B," end bars "G," and the elastic fabric "D," eombined and ar- rangea Bubstantially as and for the purposes specified. �3. The inclined double end bars "G" of a bedstead frame, arranged substantially as and for the purposes herein shown and described. �4. The standards "B," constructed as described, arranged longitudinally, adjustable on the side bars of a bedstead frame, to permit the inclined end bars to be set a suitable distance apart, as set forth. �Judge Blodgett, in construing the first two claims by the light of the evidence as to the state of the art, says that ■while these claims "may be sustained for the combination of the side rails, standards, end rails, and elastic coiled wire fabric, yet it must be limited to the peculiar kind of side rails, standards and end rails shown, or their manifest equiv- alents. Side rails, end rails, and elastic coiled wire fabric were old ; but the inclined end rail, made in two parts for the pur- pose of clamping the fabric and holding it suspended by means of the inclination between the points of attachment, seems, so far as the proof of these cases shows, to have been the invention of Farnham. So, toc, his 'standards,' or cor- ner pieces, ' B,' are not shown to have been anticipated by any prier user or inventer. " ��� �