Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 3.djvu/429

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432 FEDERAL REFOBTEB. �And on May 8th the following order was entered in eaîd case : �In the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of �Kansas. �Thb Centbal Bbanch Union Pacipio Eailboad Companï �(otherwise known as the Atchison & Pike's Peak �Eailroad Company) v. The Westebn �Union Telegraph Company. �At Chambbbs, Topbka, Kansas, May 8, 1880. �Now cornes the Central Branch Union Pacifie Bailroad Company, by J. P. Usher, and Everest & Waggener, its so- licitors, and the Western Union Telegraph Company, by W. C. Webb, George E. Peck, and Tomlinson & Griffin, its solic- itora, and thereupon came on to be heard the motion of the the defendant, the Western Union Telegraph Company, to vacate, set aside, and dissolve the temporary restraining order, granted herein on the twenty-aeventh day of February, 1880, upon consideration whereof it is order ed by the court that said motion be and the same is hereby denied and over- ruled. And it ia further ordered that the said temporary restraining order granted herein on the twenty-seventh day of February, 1880, be and the same is hereby continued in full force and elïect untU the regular term of this court, com- mencing at Leavenworth, in said district, on Monday, the seventh day of June, 1880, and until the further order of the court. �The motion of the defendant. Western Union Telegraph Company, for temporary injunction, came on to be heard, and was argued by oounsel, on consideration whereof it is ordered that said motion be and the same is hereby denied and overruled, �C. G. FosTEB, Judge. ����