Page:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 3.pdf/95

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evening as we drove in. Saw one red shafted flicker Colaptes auratus, one Arkansas flycatcher Tyrannus verticalis, one green tailed towhee Pipilo chlorurus, a lot of Brewer sparrows Spizella breweri, Brewer blackbirds Euphagus cyanocephalus and cliff swallows Petrochelidon pyrrhonota. Robbins left on horseback at noon for Newcastle Newcastle, Colorado, 40 miles distant, to catch the train and return to Boulder Boulder, Colorado on account of his mother's illness, having failed in his effort to get telephonic or telegraphic communication. Terry and Robbins caught 3 trout this forenoon and Felger put up bird skins. Felger is now (4:45) out hunting. At 6 p.m. he came in with a lot of doves Zenaida macroura and I cooked a trout supper. It has been a beautiful day. Threatening rain for a while in afternoon but not raining here. Mosquitoes are bad here. At dusk we set 3 traps for field mice, baiting with biscuit.