Page:Fielding - Sex and the Love Life.pdf/51

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at least woefully inadequate. He is depressed with the feeling that his aims are unrealizable.

Extremely sensitive adolescents, particularly where there is an hereditary strain of instability, may give way to the seemingly over-powering situation. Thus, dementia præcox (the insanity of youth) usually begins to manifest itself about this time, or in the post-adolescent stage.

In these influences from the subtly rotating functions of the organism, Dr. G. Stanley Hall tells us, "the impulse of virility beats, and the momentum of heredity advances, pauses and intermits. Through all the years of probation before marriage, we receive waves of energy from nature which we are to sublimate and convert into ever higher cultural advances. Thus, we ripen by control for effective parenthood when its consummate hour comes."


The attraction of one sex for the other is one of the fundamental principles of life, in all forms of life. Nature, which is responsible for this condition, has created a situation that often borders on a dilemma. Nature takes little or no account of the social conventions or of the cultural demands of civilization. If we do not by commonsense and sound judgment make arrangements for some harmonious adjustment of our innate forces and our environment, then we suffer.

Throughout the whole animal kingdom the chief end of life is to make one sex attractive to, and attracted by, the other sex. Among the lower animals, this characteristic is more obvious than among human beings, even though the actual mating season may be in many cases periodic instead of continuous as in mankind.

The attraction of a human being for a person of the op-