Page:First and secood (sic) parts of the new proverbs on the pride of women, gr (sic), The vanity of women displayed, with their high heads, hoops, and gezies.pdf/2

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New Proverbs on the Pride of Women, &c.

A Woman who has haughty looks, is under that infraction of the plague even pride; ſhe is ignorant (illegible text) herſelf and thinks as much as ſhe is her own maker always deſpiſing her fellow-creature, as ſhe was not of the ſeed of Adam.

2. Her eyes bend always upwards toward the ſkies and in my opinion ſuch women come from the world of the moon becauſe they look backwards, toward their native country.

3. And ſhe who is parton full of pride is empty of virtue: but O how wiſe in her own eyes is ſhe! eloquent in ſpeech, expert in the law without experience

4. He that joins to ſuch a woman, binds himſelf to be a galley ſlave all the days of her life; he muſt fight againſt wind and waves, row her to the graves mouth if ſhe ſink not, for ſhe cannot be ſold

5. Woe'r me(illegible text) for many women are weighed down with folly, lifted up with vanity, deeply wounded, being ſo in love with themſelves, their hearts pine away with hatred and ſorrow, becauſe their neighbours are exalted above them.

6. This is a ſore evil which cleaveth to the daughters of Eve, handed down from mother to daughter from one generation to another.

7. Ah how fooliſh are many mothers in training up their daughters in the court of carnality; no ſooner have they got judgement to diſcern the right hand and the left, but they are carried away to be taught by madam vanity, the daughter of Lucifer, who brings them into the college of contradiction, which ſtands in the town of contention.

8. And here deacon pride, the proud profeſſor, inſtructs them in the articles of Lucifer's religion, the(illegible text) doth the principal ruſty reaſons teach them the knowledge of carnallity, the language of Aſhdod and ſpeech of the infernal legions.

9 Here they are catechiſed in all ſorts of buſking ſuch as painting of the face, plating of the hair, and kilting their petticoats to the rump.