Page:First and secood (sic) parts of the new proverbs on the pride of women, gr (sic), The vanity of women displayed, with their high heads, hoops, and gezies.pdf/5

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be not ſo fooliſh as to have a child before you have a wife, nor a wife before you have a houſe to hold her in.

4 Stuff thy houſe with all manner of furniture neceſſary for the family, marry a wife in the pudding month, and thou ſhalt have warmneſs all the winter.

5. Beware of running too faſt leſt you come too far for the fair ſex have ſhort heels, and often fall backward when hearing the voice of wedlock, ſwooning away for joy of a relief long looked for; behold them not when they turn up their ten toes, leſt thou fall into the trap from whence there is no returning, without committing great wickedneſs.

6. But when thou goes to court a woman, wale her by the mouth, as Mungo did his mare; for by her words ye may know whether ſhe be a wife woman or a fool.

7. If ſhe be poor, proud, and prideful, turn the back of your hand to her, and your face to another; for ſhe is the worſt pennyworth ever come in a poor man's pack ſheet yea happy is he that goes home with the toom halfter without her.

8. But if thou chance to admire the charms of one who is black and lovely, decent and diſcreet, honeſt and virtuous, though never ſo poor, cleave thou unto her by all means, for ſuch a woman will hold thee as her head and huſband, then ſhalt thou reign as a king over thy own houſe, and all thy family ſhall be ſubjects unto thee

9 For if thou marry one that thinks herſelf wiſer than thee, ſhe will uſurp thy authority, countermand thy orders and hold the more like her monky, than her man and maſter

10 Keep not private company with a woman that is great ſinger, nor girl that has a game keek, for the rolling of the eyes, and ſweetneſs of the voice, encourage men to commit yon.

11. Take not a wife that is tear minded, for ſuch commonly are tail ready, ſoon angry, ſoon pleaſed eaſy perſuaded to any thing; if a temptation aſſaults her ſhe