Page:Five excellent new songs (1).pdf/8

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She's the one I admire, ye powers now protest her,
Mammon's vile stores would not cause me neglect her.
Though I were king my fair Queen I wou'd make her,
The lovely young lassie I saw at Broomfauld.

The Echoing Horn.

THE ecohing horn calls the sportsmen abroad,
To horse, my brave boys, and away,
The morning is up, and the cry of the hounds
Upbraids our too tedious dealy
What pleasure we feel in pursuin
O'er hills and o'er vallies he flies:
Then follow, we'll soon overtake him: huzza!
the traitor is seiz'd on and dies. He dies——
The traitor is seiz'd on and dies,
then follow, &c.

Triumphant returning at night with the spoil
like Bachannals shouting and gay;
How sweet with a bottle and a lass to refresh,
and drown the fatigues of the day!
With sport, love, and wine, ficle fortune defey
dull wisdom all happiness sours.
Since life is no more than a passage at best,
Let's strew the way over with flowers,
With flowers, Let's strew the way, &c.