Page:Florian - The Fables, 1888.djvu/124

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May not alone our life defend;
No greater blessing can there be,
Than solace from his sympathy.


A certain king who held his reign
Where Tagus mingles with the main,
Alphonso called, surnam'd The Wise—
(Not so surnam'd because discreet,
But just because he thought it meet
       To scan the skies)—
Knew much of all phenomena,
And was a great astronomer.
More of the heavens he came to know,
Than of his kingdom here below;
For when to council call'd, he'd soon
Run off to view the sun or moon.
At length one day when going to
His telescope to take a view,
The gentry round him he address'd:—
"Messieurs! I am at last possess'd
Of instruments, by which, to-night,
I hope to see the wond'rous sight
Of men within our satellite!"
"No doubt you will," a courtier cried,
"And many other things beside."
Meantime a poor street-beggar bow'd,
And ask'd for pennies from the crowd.