Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 10, 1899.djvu/313

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The Powers of Evil in the Outer Hebrides. 273

were interested in seeking a description of him. As of old, he has the power of transforming himself into an angel of light, but he is generally found out in the long run.

It is well known that any being which frequently changes its shape is of evil origin. When I asked my informant if such cases were frequent, he referred me to his sister, who tells that when she was a servant at Kilbride, the doctor's horse and trap rushed into the yard one night, the gate being happily open, which was not usual. The driver, a lad from Stelligarry, followed soon, also in a state of alarm. He had come to Polacharra to meet the ferry from Barra, and the doctor was staying the night at the inn ; but there was not room for the trap and he drove on towards Kil- bride. Suddenly the horse stopped, and on getting out to see what was wrong he saw " a beast climbing up from the shore to the edge of the road, like a pig. It went up the face of the brow of Cnoc Sligeannach and went back from there like a coil of heather-rope, and after that it went into the shape of a dog."

It is believed among the people that a curse follows the killing of fish in spawning-time, and that those who follow the occupation are apt to encounter Sifuath or evil spirit ; I have met men who would not dare to go to catch fish at that time.

Alexander W. of Buaile Mor above Milton, South Uist, about 60 years ago was catching fish by night at Seacoch, Stuolaval, when he perceived a man coming down the stream. He told him to step aside, so as not to frighten the fish, and he obeyed. W. had caught a good quantity of fish by this time, and following up the stream he was surprised to see something like a mill-wheel rolling down towards him, in a way he did not think canny, and he deemed it prudent to decamp with all speed. He picked up his fish hurriedly and put them on a withe (shallow basket), with the exception of one which he had decapitated accidentally by trampling on it