Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 10, 1899.djvu/553

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Cock, black, hatched in March effective against evil spirits, 263

—— as corn-spirit, 107

—— sacred, Hebrides, 262-4

—— in Japanese myth, 306

—— sacrificed to secure treasure-trove, 182

—— white, feathers of, used in seeking treasure, 230

Cock-crow, effect on evil spirits, 262, 364

Cock-crowing, at unusual hour as omen, 262-3

Cock-warning, 337

Coffins, boats used to carry, unlucky, 272

Coins, magical, 230

Coloured threads used in witchcraft, Hebrides, 282

Colours, (see Black, Blue, etc.), worn against Evil Eye, 152-3, other uses. 154

Columcille, see Saint Columba

Combing hair, forbidden on Saturday, Cos, 183

Comparative method of Folklore research, 132-3

Complaining people, saying about, Hebrides, 271

Conch, magic, 420

Conchobar, 218

Conjurer Mintern's Horseleap at Batcombe, 481

Constantinople, Old, submarine church near, 230

Consumption, snake-skin as cure for, 231

Conybeare, F. C, review by, Marr's Fables of Wardan, 462

Copenhagen, living child buried in wall, 360

Copper-headed spear, magical, 211

Cords (see also Threads), plaited in spells, 154

Corea, 300, 308, 309

Cormorants' feathers used as roofing, Japanese myth, 311

Cornwall, Christmas mummers in, 351, St. Michael's Mount in, 359

Corpse, brow of, touched to prevent ill-luck, 254, face touched to hinder dreaming of the dead, ib., 477

—— revived, gratitude of, 417

Corpses, raised, as messengers, Iceland, 460

Correspondence, 111, 246, 351, 477

Cos, Island of, Folklore from, 150, 177, sqq.

Cotton, bit of, in tithe offering, Cos, 179, knotted to cure ague, 165

County Folklore, announced, 66

Countries, cities, and people, vanishing, 231

Coursing, ghostly, Wexford, 362

Couvade, see Birth

—— the? by Leland L. Duncan, 119

Coventry Miracles, the, 187

Cows, 177, 275, 277, 284, milking, 260, 270, death of, Hebridean euphemism for, 265, flesh of, (dead from illness) boiled before distribution, 270; striking with hand forbidden, Hebrides, 262; and see Cattle

Cow's heart stuck with pins and burnt to punish witch, 483-5

—— neck-thread torn off in oath, India, 409

Craigie, W. A., review by, Ellice's Place-names in Glengarry, 244

Cranes, helpful, India, 416

Creation myths of Australian natives, 6, 32, 33> 237

—— early, pathos of, 132

—— Japan, 297, and creation deities, 298, 300

Creation Myths of Primitive America in relation to the Religious History and Mental Development of Mankind, by Jeremiah Curtin, reviewed by A. Nutt, 341

Creation Records discovered in Egypt, by George St. Clair, reviewed, 109

—— —— A Protest, by G. St. Clair, 246

Creator, Eskimo postulate of, 9

Creeping things, charm to prevent beasts from hurt by, 152

Cremation in the Bronze Age, 90, 92

Crescent, powers of, 457

Crete, grave of Zeus in, 10, 13

Crewe family, lucky caul of, 101

Cricket, grateful, 416

Crocodile, in African folktales, 224, 291

Crooke, W., reviews by, Brown's Researches into the Origin of the Primitive Constellations of the Greeks, Phanicians and Babylonians, 339; Brown's Semitic In