Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 10, 1899.djvu/565

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Lethe, 302

Levitical taboos, 43, 47

Libations, in Indian folktales, 406

Lice, 196-7

Life after death (sec Immortality), belief in attested by human sacrifice, early Japan, 322

—— restored to dead children by crocodile, 224

Life-token or Index, Indian folktales, 403

Lights seen on graves, and raths. Ireland, 362

Lightning-bird of the Baronga, 227-8

Lincolnshire, folklore. Death-warning, 248, Devil, Lincoln Minster and Lincoln College, and parallels, 357; Lincoln Imp, 359-60; Midnight Children and their gifts, 115; nails in skull, 457; wind and weather-holes, 249

Lind-worms, Scandinavian folklore, 460

Lines of Fate, Indian folklore, 432

Linghorn (Lincoln) College over-looked by the Devil, 358

Lions, winged, Indian folktales, 419

Lithuania, thunder-god of, 329

Littérature Orale de l'Auvergne, par Paul Sebillot, reviewed by Mabel Peacock, 333

Little finger, blood from to prevent transformation of treasure trove, 182

—— Hawk as totem, 237

—— Red Hen, (and parallel tales), by P. Redmond, 116, by M. Peacock, 361

Liverpool, auguries in Psalter-binding at University College, 115

Lizard, legends of, 182, 238

—— and serpent version of the Potiphar story, Indian folklore, 416

Local Folklore Meetings, in London, initiated by Miss Grove, 67

Localities, lucky and unlucky, Hebrides, 268

Locking doors during marriage ceremony, Neston, 350

Loki, 305

Log in bed to deceive, 199

—— wife, 209, 210

Lombards, the, 454

London, death-custom, 254, 477

Lönnrot, and the Kalcvala, 105

Lost things, beans used to discover, 154

Lots, casting of, Greek Isles, 155, 183

Louth. County, Traditions and Superstitions, by B. J. Jones, 119

Love philtres, Cos, 169, 170;

Lover's heart caused to be eaten by faithless wife, Indian folktales, 442

Lubbar-fiend, the, 360

Luck, 101, 153, and the sampo or sammas, 107

Luckbringer, various forms of, 107

Lucky and unlucky days and deeds, Greek Isles, 153, 183; Hebrides, 267, 268; Yorkshire, 349

—— gifts, seasons, persons, etc., Indian folklore, 434-5

Luritcha tribe. Central Australia, terms of relationship, 234

Lustration water, drunk by patient, 167

Magic, (see Charms and Witchcraft), and divination in the Southern Sporades, 151

——as differentiated from Miracles, India, 402

—— arrows, 418; colours in, see under names, dresses, 496, 498; in Egypt, 230; in Iceland, 460; metals, see copper, iron, lead; numbers, Indian folklore, 418; laurel used in, 155, mirrors used in, 171, 230

—— rites, Australia, 236

—— songs of the Finns, 105, 106, 325, 331

—— sympathetic, India, 403

Magic, The, of the Horseshoe, with other Folklore Notes, by Robt. M. Lawrence, reviewed by F. Peacock. 456

Maina bird, the, 415

Malik, King of Egypt, and parallels, 230, his religion, 231

Mallorca, folklore of, see Aplech de Rondayes

Man dressed as woman and spinning, Hebrides, 271

—— island fatal to, see Eriskay

Mangarrah, Australian god, 33

Mango trees as life-tokens, India, 403, talking, ib., 417

Manoro, disease, Africa, 286

March, cattle-switching in, Cos, 179; cock hatched in, effective against evil spirits, 263