Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 10, 1899.djvu/7

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I.—(March 1899.)

Australian Gods: a Reply. Andrew Lang, M.A. . . 1
Australian Gods: Rejoinder. E. Sidney Hartland . . 46
Proceedings at Meeting of Tuesday, November 15th, 1898 . 58
Proceedings at Meeting of Tuesday, December 20th, 1898 . 59
Proceedings at Meeting of Wednesday, January 18th, 1899 . 60
Annual Report of the Council . . . . .63
Presidential Address: Britain and Folklore. Alfred Nutt . 71

II.—(June 1899.)

Ethnological Data in Folklore: a Criticism. G. L. Gomme, F.S.A 129
Ethnological Data in Folklore: a Reply. Alfred Nutt . 143
Folklore from the Southern Sporades. W. H. D. Rouse, M.A. . 150
Christmas Mummers at Rugby. W. H. D. Rouse, M.A. . 186
Sqaktktquaclt, or the Benign-Faced, the Oannes of the Ntlaka-pamuq. C. Hill-Tout . . . . 195

III.—(September 1899.)

Proceedings at Meeting of Wednesday, February 15th, 1899 . 257
The Powers of Evil in the Outer Hebrides. Miss A. Goodrich-Freer ....... 259
The Tar-Baby Story. Miss A. Werner . . . 282
Proceedings at Meeting of Wednesday, March 15th, 1899 . 294
Japanese Myth. W. G. Aston, C.M.G. .... 294
Proceedings at Meeting of Wednesday, April 19th, 1899. . 324

IV.—(December. 1899.)

The Place of Totemism in the Evolution of Religion. F. B. Jevons, M.A., Litt. D. . . . . . 369
Proceedings at Meeting of Wednesday, May 17th, 1899 . 383
The Folklore in the Legends of the Panjab. Lieut-Col. R. C. Temple, C.I.E. . . . . . .384