Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 10, 1899.djvu/94

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Annual Report of the Council.

In accordance with a standing resolution of the Council, Mr. Alfred Nutt retires from the Presidential Chair and has accepted nomination as Vice-President. The Council desire to take this opportunity of placing on record their high appreciation of his services, and to express a hope that they may for many years to come have the benefit of his experience and advice in carrying on the work of the Society.

It will be remembered that at the last Annual Meeting a motion was made that Members of the Council should retire in rotation. The motion was withdrawn on the understanding that the Council would take some action in that direction. While no binding rule has been adopted, the following Members, viz. Miss M. R. Cox, Dr. Caster, Mr. W. F. Kirby, Mr. J. T. Naaké, and Mr. M. J. Walhouse, have resigned their seats upon the Council.

The year which has just closed is the twenty-first of the Society's existence. While they can look back upon a year of much useful work, the Council are fully conscious that a vast deal remains to be done in the way of systematising the materials which have been already collected. Among the projects which it is desired to carry through may be mentioned:

(a) The Bibliography of British Folklore.

(b) a general index to the Society's Transactions.

(c) The classification and analysis of British popular customs.

(d) The completion of the series of County Folklore.

(e) a catalogue raisonné of folklore objects preserved in the Museums of the United Kingdom.

The Council submit herewith the annual accounts of the Society duly audited, and the balloting list for the Council and Officers for the ensuing year.