Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 23, 1912.djvu/518

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494 Correspondence.

4. Shall very soon be restored. R.

5. Fromiseth his cure after ten days, R.

6. No danger, but speedy Health. R.

7. Itijoy Life but three Months. D.

8. Languish a long time. L.S.

9. Recover Health after Nine Days. R.

10. Recover after Ten Days. R.

1 1. Very lojig Sick, yet recover Health. L.R.

12. Amend after Twelve Days. R.

13. A loTig and grievous Sickness. L.S.

14. Soon restored, thd it comes Fiercely. R.

15. Easily escape Death. R.

1 6. Great danger of Death, if he take the Air. Dan.

17. No Fhysick will prevail. D. \Z. A good day, easily Recovered. R. i<^. A good day, easily Recovered. R.

20. A good day, easily Recovered. R.

21. Sickness Afortal and Incurable. D.

22. Ztf/?^ AV,^, ^//Z' escape after ^ Months. L.S.

23. After fezv days he shall Dye. D.

24. Long time in Sickness. L.S.

25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Are all days of Recovery. R. 30. Hardly Escape with many Medicines. Dan. Secrets to Judge of Life and Death in a Sick Body.

First, Take a Marigold, and put into the Urine of the Sick, if it keeps open, they will Live, if it closes, they II Die.

Second, Also it is said of some, that it ?nay be known by speaking Two JVords at the Bed side, viz. Ancora Pancorene, afui if he hear it, it notes Life, if tiot, Death.

The Kings Evill. Take Early Flower, Tar, Wax, and Oyl, of each a like quantity, mix all together, and Seeth it well, and put it into . . . , and stirring it well about, lay it upon the Sore Plaister wise.

A rule to know the Kings Evil by. Take a ground Worm alive and lay it upon the place, and cover him with a Leaf, if it be the Kings Evil, the Worm will change and turn into Earth, if not he will remain alive.