Page:Four excellent new songs (3).pdf/6

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[ 6 ]

Now it freſhens, ſet the braces,
the lee top-ſail ſheets let go;
Luff boys, luff, don't make wry faces,
up your top-ſails nimbly clew.
Now all you on downbeds ſporting,
fondly lock'd 'twixt beauty's arms,
Freſh enjoyment, wanting courting,
ſafe's from all but love's alarms.
Around us roars the tempeſt louder:
think what fears our minds enthral;
Harder yet it blows harder,
now again the boatſwain's call.
The topſail-yard, point to the wind, boys;
ſee all clear to reef each courſe;
Let the fore ſheet go; don't mind, boys,
thro' the weather ſhou'd be worſe.
Fore and aft the ſpirit-yard get,
reef the mizen, ſee all clear;
Hand up each preventure brace ſet,
man the fore-yard; cheer lads cheer.
Now the dreadful thunder's roaring!
peals on peals contending claſh!
On our heads fierce rain falls pouring,
in our eyes blue lightnings flaſh,
On wide water all around us,
all above but one black ſky!
Different deaths at once ſurround us,
hark! what means you dreadful cry?
The foremaſt's gone, cries ev'ry tongue out
o'er the lee twelve feet 'bove deck!
A lake beneath the cheſtree's ſprung out!