Page:Fragment of a novel written by Jane Austen.pdf/214

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3. Nothing else to be done for A case of Necessity

12. which we spent erased after night
and as for but

13. so added above line before common
that erased before as

15. wonderfully for charmingly

16. She erased (probably) before had no Hysterics
had for and

17. within sight of for to

18. the attack was not very violent—(quite over erased) nearly over for they were quite subsided

22. Mr Woodcock's assistance for young Woodcock's help

Page 117

1. the Disposal of the Luggage for where all the Luggage shd be carried

3. Sam for Hannah
unp (?) erased before uncord

5. her erased before being so poor

7. unwilling for afraid for

11. about for over
so I for therefore

13. the Terrace, to added above line

16. I am sure erased after Hotel

17. on the Down for in the field

22. affected for stiffened

Page 118

13. the Good for two Excellent

14. know them only for have only heard of them

15. You must over My friend Fanny Noyce I dare say you erased

22. Only for But

Page 119

5. where for Spot

10. on for as to before the question