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Gadsby was walking back from a visit down in Branton Hills’ manufacturing district on a Saturday night. A busy day’s traffic had had its noisy run; and with not many folks in sight, His Honor got along without having to stop to grasp a hand, or talk; for a Mayor out of City Hall is a shining mark for any politician. And so, coming to Broadway, a booming bass drum and sounds of singing, told of a small Salvation Army unit carrying on amidst Broadway’s night shopping crowds. Gadsby, walking toward that group, saw a young girl, back towards him, just finishing a long, soulful oration, saying:—

“...and I can say this to you, for I know what I am talking about; for I was brought up in a pool of liquor!!

As that army group was starting to march on, with this girl turning towards Gadsby, His Honor had to gasp, astonishingly:—

“Why! Mary Antor!!”

“Oh! If it isn’t Mayor Gadsby! I don’t run across you much, now-a-days. How is Lady Gadsby holding up during this awful war?”

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