Page:Gaston Leroux--The bride of the sun.djvu/219

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At first, Maria-Teresa had hoped that she would be happy enough to lose her reason, or that the terrible fever which took her would free the troubled soul before the body was taken to martyrdom. But the mammaconas knew the secrets which cure such fevers, and had given her to drink a reddish liquid, chanting the while: "Fever has spread over you its poisoned robe. The hated race shall never know our secrets, but our love for Atahualpa's bride is greater than our hatred. Drink and be well, in the name of Atahualpa, who awaits thee!"

So she had returned to life, only to die again, and so, a nerveless statue, she had traveled right across Peru, to the little adobe house at Arequipa, the last stopping-place before the House of the Serpent. There she had seen Huascar for the first time, bearing in his arms something covered with a veil. Careless of all the listening ears about her, she had risen, and called to him as to a savior. He had answered: "Thou belongest to the Sun, but before he takes you, thou shalt have a great joy. Thou shalt see thy little brother again." Then he lifted the veil and showed her Christobal, sleeping. She had run forward, while he had retreated in terror. None but the appointed may touch the Bride of the Sun, and the three guardians of the Temple were there, armed, and swaying gently. One